5 Things I Know For Sure from Being a Psychic Medium

The late Gene Siskel, interviewer and movie critic, asked Oprah Winfrey, “What do you know for sure?”  She couldn’t immediately answer.  It took thought and consideration.  Eventually, this question became a monthly column in her magazine.

Saying we know something for sure, reveals who we are and what we believe. When choosing what I know for sure, I expect it will remain true over time. Mediums use their 6th sense to communicate so are considered psychic – although not all psychics communicate with those who pass on. As a medium, I communicate with those who have passed on. When delivering information, evidence is information that verifies what is being reported is true.  I experience my own evidence from the readings I provide as the result of being a psychic medium.  What follows is my evidence or 5 things I know for sure as the result of being a psychic medium:

I know for sure, love lives on.

Psychic medium reading after reading, event after event, spirits come through with information and support to guide us because love lives on. Spirit wants us to find our true purpose and live our best lives.  We can get stuck along the way with grief, feelings of remorse, depression and loss.  We are human, and the experience can be overwhelming in the best of times.  Our loved ones and spirit guides provide evidence of their love and support through a myriad of ways when we are open to experiencing this evidence. We may be seeing their favorite things or hearing their favorite songs, or seeing an advertisement for somewhere special you traveled together.  Communication is the most direct way you know your loved one lives on, whether they communicate with you or through a medium.

I know for sure, we are not alone on this journey.

Spirit dads, moms, grandmas, grandpas, friends, sons, daughters and beloved dogs have let me know they were there on earth and provide support now from the other side. At readings, I have seen family members in spirit gathered to support the person in for the reading.

I know for sure, I witness healing daily.

Last week in 3 separate readings, three different spirits, who were actively alcoholic on earth, came through with messages for the living. Each message was different. Their departures from life as we know it ranged from 1 week to 25 years ago.   Each spirit provided evidence for the recipient with facts from their life. It was powerful, and each recipient was grateful for the message and its healing impact.

I know for sure, spirit decides who will come through with what messages.

I encourage clients to invite spirits they would most like to hear from and yet, spirit decides who will bring forward which messages.  Sometimes the spirit who shows is exactly who the client most wanted to hear from and sometimes it is someone the client had not thought about in a very long time because the person had died so long ago. Watching time fall away as the message brings them right back together and makes the relationship whole again, shows clients love lives on. The wisdom in choosing the messages and messengers for the highest benefit for all involved continues to be greater than the knowledge at hand for those in the room.

I know for sure, I continue to learn from both worlds.

I love my clients on both sides of the veil.  They show up to connect and as I share the messages, they follow with sharing their favorite memories and the spirits what they know and have learned.

I continue to make daily connection with spirit, write and strengthen my channel.  Like any skill or muscle, it continues to grow.  Spirits encourage, teach and help me know I am on the right path.  It is a path which allows others to gain insights for healing. Thank you to all of you who have shared your journey with me.

Blessings to all on our journeys,

3 Tools for Healing Grief

Sometimes the pain feels crippling.  Other times it just hurts.  It’s a Wonderful Life is one of my favorite movies. In it, George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, wore a black arm band after his father died.

1. Tender Time and Support. I often think it would be wonderful if we did wear a black arm band to signal to one another when we are grieving. It would be great if we were a little kinder, more patient, and tender with those who have lost a loved one. There are no time limits on loss. We learn to live without our loved ones on earth by giving ourselves tender time. And, we keep in contact with those who understand and can provide support, or tender time, too. This may be family, friends, support groups or counseling.

2. Acknowledge Grief Factors. There are so many factors impacting grief. How our loved one died.  Our relationship at the time of death.  Whether we were together or not.  Whether we thought there was something we could have done and were unable to do it.  The list could go on.  And, if your family was chaotic, filled with substance use, chronic illness and/or violence, grief is often complicated by these factors and mixed roles between adults and children.

3. Love Lives On. One of the many things I love about what I do is I know love lives on.  Each time I have the privilege to bring through a message from the other side for someone, I get to feel the love the spirit sends. Even spirits not known for communicating strong caring or concern when they were on earth, make it clear they chose to be at the reading because they care.  Know the grief exists because you love. Know love lives on and let love help carry you through the grief.

Trusting and conveying love,